Champions for Life!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Born to Run

Finished Born to Run and there are some really good quotes that we all need to keep in mind.

"Think Easy, Light, Smooth, and Fast. You start with easy, because if that's all you get, that's not bad. Then work on light. Make it effortless, like you don't give a _ how high the hill is or how far you've got to go. When you've practiced that so long that you forget you're practicing, you work on making it smooooooth. You won't have to worry about the last one-you get those, and you'll be fast." (p. 111)
  • Watch most elite runners race and they make it look effortless. The moment you start to fight the uncomfortable feeling when you are pushing your body to its limit is the moment you start to slow down.
  • Recall a race where you ran really well and probably set a PR. The image you have in your head is most likely of you running smooth and fast.
"... the greatest marathoners in the world run like kindergartners. "Watch kids at a playground running around. Their feet land right under them, and they push back..." (p. 204)
  • Keep your feet under you and behind you as you run. Don't reach out in front of you.
  • Your stride length should come from behind you.
"Kenyans have superquick foot turnover," Ken said. "Quick, light leg contractions are more economical than big, forceful ones." (p. 205)
  • This is one of the key reasons why we have started doing our hill sprints this spring. The more power we can create with each step the faster we can run. Hill sprints teach our muscles to do this.
  • Also drills and strides in spikes help to develop this quick, light leg turnover.
"When you're focused on the hunt, you push to the limits. You're not aware you're exhausted," Louis later explained. In a way, if he'd triumphed; Louis had managed to cross over and run as hard as if he were the one being pursued." (p. 237)
  • When you focus on the competition and just competing with them you will allow your true potential to shine. Look at your competition as a gift. Be thankful you have people to help you run faster. Without their help you would be slower. Sometimes you will win and be the fastest... and other times you might not win, but you can still run fast.
"If it feels like work, you're working too hard" (p. 263)
  • This is a tricky one to define. It takes a lot of running to reach your full potential, but it's a work that is productive. You want to let the fast running come out of you and very rarely force the issue.
  • Once again progression runs allow the fast running to come out of you without forcing it out of you. Think Easy, Light, Smooth, & Fast. Get the first three (Easy, Light & Smooth) and Fast will take care of itself.

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